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  • Writer's picturemike marcinkiewicz

What Not to do when Hiring an HVAC Contractor

Often times, homeowners are left with the task of hiring a professional to take care of an issue in their homes. Hence, the most common reason to hire an HVAC contractor in Dufferin County is to repair your home heating or cooling equipment. As a local HVAC contractor in Mulmur and Shelburne, I find the majority of interactions with homeowners go without any issue. The process is simple, you call an HVAC contractor, we arrive and provide you a price for service, than if you agree, we make the repairs. However, as some heating and cooling specialist will tell you, "there are a few things homeowners can do to avoid straining their relationship with their HVAC technician". Don't forget that these tips can be applied to any contractors you hire for your home. Above all, let common sense and respect dictate how you interact with people you hire to work in your home.

Do not Hire Distant HVAC Contractors What not to do when hiring an HVAC Contractor? The first thing to not do is hire an HVAC contractor who operates outside your region. For example, it would be a bad idea to hire a contractor from Peterborough, if you live in Simcoe County. Not only will the HVAC contractor not be readily available to help you with future services, but they will be unlikely to return if they have local work. Hence, look for local HVAC contractors specializing in your region. Do Not Leave Obstacles in your Home Once you find a local heating or cooling specialist, make arrangements with them to come over. Before they arrive, be sure to plow your driveway of snow, provide them a parking spot, lock up your pets, and be sure to give your attention when the technician is explaining an repair issue. It's not a good start when your HVAC contractor can't get to your front door because the driveway is inaccessible, or your pet runs up and nips at their pants. Worst yet, your furnace is hidden behind boxes and furniture. Please be sure to have a clear path to your home and your furnace.

Do Not Ghost your HVAC Contractor The absolute worst experiences are when a furnace repair job is agreed upon and the technician makes their way to purchase the parts or pick up an order, only to have the client not respond when you are ready to go make the repairs. While there is nothing wrong with deciding to cancel your service, the problem lies with hiring multiply technicians at the same time and agreeing with them all to do the repairs until you get the cheapest price. If you are unsure, or not ready to hire, be up front and tell your HVAC contractor that you will call them back if you are ready to hire them only.

Do Not Renegotiate the Price Once the Work is Complete If you want to have a positive relationship with your HVAC contractor the last thing you will need to avoid is bargaining once the price and work has been completed. When you are provided with a repair cost or a quote to do a large project, the price must be negotiated before the work is started. All honest and reliable contractors will be able to breakdown and go over pricing with you at the beginning so you know exactly what cost to expect.

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